Tal y como explican en la web del Centro Ruso para la Seguridad Electromagnética: los estudios sobre los efectos para la salud de los campos electromagnéticos se iniciaron en Rusia en el año 1948. En los siguientes 55 años, se desarrollaron amplios estudios experimentales, fisiológicos, clínicos e higiénicos. Los estándares de seguridad electromagnética de la Rusia actual están desarrollados sobre la base de los análisis de esos estudios. Estos estudios (incluyendo exposición crónica de larga duración a CEM) han dado la oportunidad de identificar cuales son los sitemas del cuerpo humano más sensibles: los sistemas nervioso, endocrino, inmunológico, cardiovascular y reproductivo. Las reacciones críticas de estos sistemas fueron obligatoriamente tenidas en cuenta, cuando se valoró el riesgo de los efectos negativos de los CEM para la salud humana a la hora de desarrollar los estándares de seguridad electromagnética de Rusia. También se demostró que los efectos para la salud por exposición prolongada a CEM son acumulativos después de años, así que es posible que se den efectos tardíos resultantes incluyendo procesos degenerativos en el sistema nervioso central, leucemias, tumores cerebrales, cardiovasculares y enfermedades hormonales. Los campos electromagnéticos pueden ser esencialmente peligrosos para los niños, mujeres embarazadas, pacientes con enfermedades del sistema nervioso, hormonal y cardiovascular, alérgicos y personas con bajos parámetros inmunitarios.
El requerimiento básico para los niveles CEM permisibles que se han establecido en Rusia es la ausencia incluso del desorden de homeostasis transitoria (incluyendo la función reproductiva)así como la tensión de mecanismos de protección y adaptación compensatoria tanto en periodos de tiempo inmediatos como lejanos (lo cual es diferente del sistema de regulación CEM adoptado en Europa Occidental y los EEUU).
Así, los niveles máximos permisibles establecidos por la nación rusa en un rango de frecuencia de 0Hz -300GHz son los más estrictos en el mundo y proveen la máxima protección para los humanos bajo la exposición CEM
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Comparativa de los valores máximos permisibles establecidos para la exposición a campos eléctricos para una frecuencia de 50Hz como el estándar obligatorio para el público en general en Rusia versus valores similares recomendados por la ICNIRP (Comisión Internacional para la protección de la radiación no ionizante).
Comparativa de los valores máximos permisibles establecidos para una densidad de flujo para campo magnético a una frecuencia de 50Hz como estándar obligatorio para el público general en Rusia versus valores similares recomendados por la ICNIRP. | ![]() |
![]() | Comparativa de los valores máximos permisibles de exposición a campo eléctrico a un rango de frecuencia de 0.03-300 MHz establecido como estándar obligatorio para el público general de Rusia versus valores similares recomendados por la ICNIRP. |
Comparativa de los valores máximos permisibles de una capacidad para densidad de flujo a un rango de frecuencia de 0.3-300 GHz establecido como estándar obligatorio para el público general de Rusia versus valores similares recomendados por la ICNIRP. | ![]() |
Más información detallada (en inglés) en relación a los estándares de seguridad de CEM en Rusia están también disponibles en la página web de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (WHO):http://www.who.int/peh_emf/standards/en/
Uno de los documentos de investigación rusa de mediados del siglo pasado disponible en inglés es el siguiente: Efectos biológicos de la Radiación Electromagnética de ondas de radio y microondas en los países comunistas euroasiáticos.
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Parece ser que hay algún problema a la hora de subir el documento. Lo tenéis disponible AQUÍ:
3. Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation-radiowaves and Microwaves-eurasian Communist Countries by M Del Mar Rosa
- Electromagnetic threat to health: myths and facts // Collection of popular scientific papers. - Moscow, 2004. - 52 p.
- Computer and power supply system in office: modern aspects of safe work // Ed. O.Grigoriev. - Moscow: RUDN Publishing house, 2003. - 103 p.
- Grigoriev O.A., Bichelday E.P., Merkulov A.V., Stepanov V.S., Shenfield B.E. Determination of approaches to (standardization) of anthropogenic EMF exposure of environment // In book "Annual of Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection" // Papers collection. Moscow: RUDN Publishing house, 2003. pp. 46-74
- Grigoriev O.A., Petuhov V.S., Merkulov A.V. General public power frequency (50 Hz) magnetic field exposure: sources and methodology of measurement. // In book "Annual of Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection" // Papers collection. Moscow: RUDN Publishing house, 2003. pp. 85-105.
- Grigoriev O.A., Bichelday E.P., Merkulov A.V. Electromagnetic field exposure effects on natural environment. // Radiation biology. Radioecology. - 2003. - V.43, ¹ 5 pp. 544-551.
- Grigoriev Yu.G., Vasin A.L., Nestor R.M. Mendoz, Grigoriev O.A. Comparative analysis of EMF standards and harmonization problems. // In "Electromagnetic fields and population: collection of papers / Editor prof. Yu. Grigoriev - Moscow: RUDN Publishing house, 2003. pp. 109-116.
- Merkulov A.V., Grigoriev O.A., Grigoriev K.A. EMF measurements in car compartment (information materials for electromagnetic safety assessment on transport // In "Electromagnetic fields and population: collection of papers / Editor prof. Yu. Grigoriev - Moscow: RUDN Publishing house, 2003. pp. 105-108.
- Merkulov A.V., Grigoriev Î.À, Grigoriev K.A. Mobile phone EMF characteristic in car compartment with and without external antenna. // In "Electromagnetic fields and population: collection of papers / Editor prof. Yu. Grigoriev - Moscow: RUDN Publishing house, 2003. pp. 102-104.
- Grigoriev O.A. Urban population electromagnetic safety: the characteristics of modern EMF sources and their safety assessment. // In "Electromagnetic fields and population: collection of papers / Editor prof. Yu. Grigoriev - Moscow: RUDN Publishing house, 2003. pp. 76-93.
- Grigoriev Yu.G., Grigoriev O.A., Nestor R.M. Mendez et al. Mobile communication (phones and base stations) - a real source of general public EMF exposure// In "Electromagnetic fields and population: collection of papers / Editor prof. Yu. Grigoriev - Moscow: RUDN Publishing house, 2003. pp. 29-75.
- Grigoriev O.A., Petouhov V.S., Sokolov V.A., Krasilov I.A. Effects of electronic equipment on operating of building power supply system of // J."Tekhnologii elektromagnitnoy sovmestimosti", ¹ 1 ( 4 ), 2003.
- Petouhov V.S., Sokolov V.A., Krasilov I.A.. Myths about grounding and UPS // J. "Computerra", ¹ 14-15 ( 489-490 ), 2003.
- Petouhov V.S., Sokolov V.A., Krasilov I.A.. Myths about grounding and UPS // J. "Novosti electrotekhniki" ¹ 2 (20), 2003.
- Grigoriev O.A., Merkulov A.V., Petouhov V.S., Chekmarev O.M. // Computer and video display users occupational safety problems // J. "Spravochnik spetsialista po okhrane truda", ¹ 3, 2003.
- Grigoriev O.A., Petouhov V.S., Sokolov V.A. , Krasilov I.A.. // Electronic equipment interference in buildings power supply system operation // J. "Elektrika", ¹ 3, 2003.
- Grigoriev O.A., Petouhov V.S., Sokolov V.A. // Malfunctions in building power supply system hasten pipelines corrosion // "Novosti electrotekhniki", ¹ 4 (22), 2003.
- Petouhov V.S., Sokolov V.A. , Merkulov A.V., Krasilov I.A. // Leakage currents in building power supply system //"Novosti electrotekhniki", ¹ 5 ( 23 ), 2003.
- Petouhov V.S., Krasilov I.A.// The resonance phenomena in building power supply system as a factor of the electric power quality reduction // J. "Novosti electrotekhniki", ¹ 6 ( 24 ), 2003.
- Petouhov V.S., Sokolov V.A. , Merkulov A.V., Krasilov I.A.// Leakage currents in building power supply system // Electromagnetic compatibility technologies of e ¹ 3 ( 6 ), 2003.
- Petouhov V.S., Sokolov V.A. , Krasilov I.A.// Myths about grounding and UPS / J. "Connect Mir svyazi" ¹ 5, 2003.
- Petouhov V.S., Krasilov I.A.// The resonance phenomena in building power supply system // J. Tekhnologii elektromagnitnoy sovmestimosti. ¹ 4 ( 7 ), 2003.
- Grigoriev O.A., Petouhov V.S., Sokolov V.A. , Krasilov I.A.. Electronic equipment effects the power electric networks // Computer Press ¹ 1, 2003.
- Grigoriev O.A., Petouhov V.S., Sokolov V.A. , Krasilov I.A.. The higher harmonics in 0,4 kV power supply networks // J. "Novosti electrotekhniki", ¹ 6 (18) 2002 - 1 (19) 2003.
- Grigoriev O.A., Petouhov V.S., Sokolov V.A. About the rapid internal pipelines corrosion reasons // J. Zhilishchnoe i kommunal'noe khozyaystvo rossiyskikh regionov. ¹ 8, 2002.
- Grigoriev O.A., Petouhov V.S., Sokolov V.A. Malfunctions in building power supply system effect on the rapid pipelines corrosion // J. "Novosti teplosnabzheniya", ¹ 7 ( 23 ), 2002.
- Grigoriev O.A., Petouhov V.S., Sokolov V.A. The rapid "pitting" corrosion in buildings' internal pipelines, caused by alternating currents // J. "ÀVOK", ¹ 5, 2002.
- Grigoriev O.A., Grigoriev Yu.G., Merkulov A.V., Petouhov V.S., Sokolov V.A. , Stepanov V.S., Kharlamov G.A. Non-occupational power frequency (50 Hz) magnetic field exposure // J. "Okhrana truda i sotsial'noe strakhovanie", ¹ 7, 2002.
- Grigoriev O.A., Grigoriev Yu.G., Merkulov A.V., Petouhov V.S., Sokolov V.A. , Stepanov V.S., Kharlamov G.A. Non-occupational power frequency (50 Hz) magnetic field exposure // J. "Mashinostroenie", ¹ 10, 2002.
- Grigoriev O.A., Grigoriev Yu.G., Merkulov A.V., Petouhov V.S., Sokolov V.A. , Stepanov V.S., Karlamov G.A. Power frequency (50 Hz) magnetic field: risk assessment, evaluation and protection experience // J. "Ekologiya and promyshlenost' Rossii ", June 2002.
- Grigoriev O.A., Petouhov V.S., Sokolov V.A. , Krasilov I.A. Computer as a load // J. "Computerra", ¹ 47 ( 472 ), 2002.
- Grigoriev O.A., Petouhov V.S., Sokolov V.A. , Krasilov I.A. Trouble came, where it wasn't waited from. "Computer" load effects on the buildings' electric networks operation // J. "Connect. Mir svyazi", ¹ 12, 2002.
- Kalinina T.S., Voronina T.A., Nerobkova L.N., Grigoriev O.A. et al. Use of mobile phone electromagnetic field as a conditional stimulus for animals in learning process // Proceedings of 3-rd Int. conference "Electromagnetic fields and health. Fundamental and applied research", Sept. 17-24, 2002, Moscow - St-Petersburg. - Moscow, 2002. pp. 106-107.
- Grigoriev O.A., Merkulov A.V., Kharlamov G.A. Analysis of perennial EMF measurement data base at personnel computers workplaces in Moscow // Proceedings of 3-rd Int. conference "Electromagnetic fields and health. Fundamental and applied research", Sept. 17-24, 2002, Moscow - St-Petersburg. - Moscow, 2002. pp. 147-148.
- Grigoriev O.A., Merkulov A.V., Petuhov V.S., Sokolov V.A., Kharlamov G.A. Non-professional 50 Hz magnetic field exposure // Proceedings of 3-rd Int. conference "Electromagnetic fields and health. Fundamental and applied research", Sept. 17-24, 2002, Moscow - St-Petersburg. - Moscow, 2002. pp. 145-147.
- Grigoriev O.A., Merkulov A.V., Kharlamov G.A. Experience of EMF intensity instrumental measurements from cellular radio network base stations in Moscow region // Proceedings of 3-rd Int. conference "Electromagnetic fields and health. Fundamental and applied research", Sept. 17-24, 2002, Moscow - St-Petersburg. - Moscow, 2002. pp. 104-106.
- Bokit'ko B.G., Vasil'ev O.A., Grigoriev O.A., Bichelday E.P. Russian Ministry of Health program for information support of population safety problem in conditions of mobile telecommunication EMF exposure (by materials of Working group of Ministry of Health) // Proceedings of 3-rd Int. conference "Electromagnetic fields and health. Fundamental and applied research", Sept. 17-24, 2002, Moscow - St-Petersburg. - Moscow, 2002. pp. 103-104.
- Grigoriev O.A., Merkulov A.V. Ecological standards problem in electromagnetic environmental pollution conditions // Proceedings of 3-rd Int. conference "Electromagnetic fields and health. Fundamental and applied research", Sept. 17-24, 2002, Moscow - St-Petersburg. - Moscow, 2002. pp. 25-27.
- Grigoriev O.A., Vasil'ev O.A., Bichelday E.P. Concept of information support for mobile phone users' safety on the basis of precautionary policy realization in public health services // Proceedings of 3-rd Int. conference "Electromagnetic fields and health. Fundamental and applied research", Sept. 17-24, 2002, Moscow - St-Petersburg. - Moscow, 2002. pp. 24-25.
- Grigoriev Yu.G., Grigoriev O.A., Stepanov V.S., Merkulov A.V. Personal computer: physical factors, effects on user's health // J. Radiation biology. Radioecology. - 2001. - V.41, ¹ 2. - pp. 195-206.
- Chekmarev O.M., Simonova S.N., Grigoriev O.A., Merkulov A.V. Mobile telecommunication system as an object for sanitary-and-hygienic control // Kremlyovskaya meditsyna. Klinicheskiy vestnik. 2001 - ¹ 4, pp. 30 - 34.
- Gimranov R.F., Grigoriev O.A., Chekmarev O.M. Magnetic fields applications in medicine. Modern state and perspective in Russia // Kremlyovskaya meditsyna. Klinicheskiy vestnik. 2001 - ¹ 4, pp . 34-35.
- Grigoriev Yu.G., Zhiltsov M.V., Grigoriev O.A., Stepanov V.S., Merkulov A.V. Personal computer - physical factors, effects on users' health / // Kremlyevskaya medicina. Clinicheski vestnik.. 2001 - ¹ 4, pp. 35 - 39.
- Grigoriev O.A., Petuhov V.S., Merkulov A.V. Video display units "jitter" problem at workplaces equipped with computer // Materials of scientific - practical conference " Electromagnetic safety. Problems and solution ways". Saratov, 2000, pp. 40-41.
- Grigoriev O.A., Merkulov A.V. Mobile communication base stations electromagnetic safety for population. // Materials of scientific - practical conference " Electromagnetic safety. Problems and solution ways". Saratov, 2000, pp. 13-14.
- Grigoriev Yu.G., Grigoriev O.A., Tishchenko V.A., Syomin A.A. Personnel EMF exposure conditions from video display units - results of measurements, risk assessment and protection methods. // J. Gigiena naselennykh mest. Scientific articles on the problem " Hygiene and biological effects of physical factors ", issue ¹ 34. Kiev, 1999, pp. 175 - 179
- Grigoriev Yu.G., Stepanov V.S., Grigoriev O.A., Merkulov A.V. Electromagnetic safety of human being. Reference and information issue // - Moscow: Russian National committee on non-ionizing radiation protection. 1999. - 145 p.
- Grigoriev Yu.G., Grigoriev O.A., Nikonova K.V. et al. Regulation of EMF from mobile communication systems. Condition and substantiation. // Materials of 2nd International meeting "Electromagnetic fields. Biological effects and standardizing. Under edition of M.H. Repacholi, N.B. Rubtsova, A.M. Muts. Geneva, WHO, 1999, pp. 509-510.
- Grigoriev O.A., Merkulov A.V. Experimental testing of non-conventional EMF protection means // Proceedings of 2nd International conference "Electromagnetic fields and human health. Fundamental and applied research. Development of EMF standards: philosophy, criteria and harmonization". Moscow. 1999, p. 160.
- Grigoriev O.A., Merkulov A.V., Temnikov A.G. EMF measurements near mobile communication base station. // Proceedings of 2nd International conference "Electromagnetic fields and human health. Fundamental and applied research. Development of EMF standards: philosophy, criteria and harmonization". Moscow. 1999, pp. 114-115.
- Brovchenko M.V., Grigoriev O.A., Merkulov A.V. et al. EMF instrumental measurements express-method at workplaces equipped with computer and video display units // Proceedings of 2nd International conference "Electromagnetic fields and human health. Fundamental and applied research. Development of EMF standards: philosophy, criteria and harmonization". Moscow. 1999, p.140
- Grigoriev Yu.G., Grigoriev O.A. Personal computer: physical factors and users health // J. Energiya. - 1999. - N 7. pp. 29-33; N 8. pp. 29-33.
- Grigoriev Yu.G., Grigoriev O.A. Power frequency magnetic fields: reality of risk // J. Energiya. - 1999. - N 6. - pp. 46-50.
- Grigoriev O.A. Electromagnetic field and human health. State of problem // J. Energiya. -1999. - N 5. - pp. 26-32.
- Grigoriev Yu.G., Luk'yanova S.N., Grigoriev O.A. Human reaction to mobile phone EMF. // Abstract book of 2nd International meeting "Electromagnetic fields. Biological effects and standardizing. Geneva, WHO, 1999, p. 160. p. 70.
- Grigoriev Yu.G., Grigoriev O.A., Nikonova K.V. et al. Mobile communication systems EMF exposure regulation. State and substantiation. // Abstract book of 2nd International meeting "Electromagnetic fields. Biological effects and standardizing. Geneva, WHO, 1999, p. 68.
- Givishvili G.V., Grigoriev Yu.G., Grigoriev O.A. et al. Electromagnetic situation in Moscow and population health. // Abstract book of the 3rd congress on radiation research "Radiobiology, radioecology, radiation safety". Puschino. 1997, v.3. pp.141-142.
- Grigoriev O.A., Grigoriev Yu.G., Stepanov V.S. et al. Electromagnetic fields from household, office and industrial sources. Problems of standardizing, recommendations for protection. // Abstract book of the 3rd congress on radiation research "Radiobiology, radioecology, radiation safety". Puschino. 1997, v.3. pp. 43-44.
- Grigoriev Yu.G., Grigoriev O.A., Stepanov V.S., Pal'tsev Yu.P. Electromagnetic environmental pollution and population health in Russia// Moscow, 1997. - pp. 9-76.
- Grigoriev Yu.G., Grigoriev O.A., Tishchenko V.A., Pal'tsev Yu.P. EMF exposure from computer video display units (characteristics of operator exposure, possible effects and consequences, protective measures) // Materials of the 1st Russian conference with the international participation "Problems of human electromagnetic safety. Fundamental and applied researches ". Moscow. 1996. pp. 56 - 57
- Grigoriev Yu.G., Grigoriev O.A.. EMF exposure of computer video display units operators - results of measurement, risk assessment and protection methods // Collection of scientific works, issue XXIV. "Materials of XXIX final scientific conference of the military-medical faculty at the Samara state medical university". Samara. 1996. pp. 103- 104.
- Grigoriev Yu.G., Luk'yanova S.N., Grigoriev O.A. et al. About risk assessment of EMF generated by computer video display units (research in conditions of short-term operator work with personal computer) // Radiation Biology. Radioecology. - 1996. - V.36, ¹ 5. - pp. 738-746.
- Grigoriev Yu.G., Grigoriev O.A., Tishchenko V.A. et al. EMF exposure from personal computers (results of measurements, risk assessment and protection methods) // Radiation Biology. Radioecology. - 1996. - V.36, ¹.5. - pp. 734-737.
- Don't present mobile phones to children / O. Djubankova // Argumenti & facti "Zdorovije" supplement, web-version ¹ 12 ( 500 ), March, 18, 2004.
- Your "harvest" from electromagnetic fields / A. Haraz // J. "Zdorovije", February, 2004.
- With mobile phone at head/ A.Haraz // J. Health, February, 2004.
- Not be to death of computer / O.Djubankova // Argumenti & facti "Zdorovije" supplement ¹ 49 ( 486 ), December, 2003.
- In the Octyabr'ski gorge people live under voltage / M. Sytnikova // "Saratovski Arbat" ¹ 43, October, 22, 2003.
- How to behave with computer and electronic household devices during pregnancy and do not harm the kid? / E.Kovaleva // Zhenskoe zdorovije, ¹ 5, May, 2003.
- Ministry of Health has considered mobile phones to be unsafe // Argumenti & facti "Zdorovije" supplement, ¹ 25 (462), June, 19, 2003.
- Speaking longer - be ill sooner? / N.Dzis'-Vojnarovsky // Komsomol'skaya pravda, June, 19, 2003.
- Long live to Swede! / Í. Dal', T. Morozova // J. Kommersant - vlast', June, 9-15, 2003.
- Non-childish toys. Are mobile phones dangerous to health? / A.Borejko // Vedomosti, October, 24, 2003.
- Stray currents / I. Romancheva // Argumenti & facti, ¹ 8, 2002.
- Concern of household devices / Y. Grigor'ev, O. Grigor'ev // J. Schastlivie roditeli, ¹ 44, August, 2002.
- People don't reject mobile phone / A.Savin // Izvestiya, September, 27, 2002.
- Electromagnetic pollution became the mass phenomenon // Izvestiya, September, 20, 2002.
- Just in case, rarely use your mobile phone - // Argumenti & facti, ¹ 34, 2002
- And here gasoline tanker has arrived…/ I. Romancheva // Argumenti & facti, Moscva ¹ 31 (1136 ), August, 2002.
- About what the Ministry of Health does not warn … / M. Nadezhkina // Barier bezopasnosti, ¹ 6, 2002.
- Magnetized cottage / I. Romancheva // Argumenti & facti, Moscva ¹ 30, 2002.
- Help, they expose me! / I. Romancheva // Argumenti & facti, Moscva ¹ 28, 2002.
- Our electromagnetic environment / A. Savin // Nauka & zhizn', ¹ 6, 2002.
- Magnetic impact in metro / E. Gorelova // Vedomosti, June, 28, 2002.
- The diagnosis -- "hypersesitivity" / I. Romancheva // Argumenti & facti, ¹ 23, 2002.
- Following our publications. Once more about antennas / O. Djubankova // Argumenti & facti "Zdorovije" supplement, web-version, ¹ 14 ( 399 ), April, 04, 2002.
- "Nontraditional" ghost hunters / I.Romancheva // Argumenti & facti, Moscva, ¹ 12, 2002.
- Search infection there, where current flows // Argumenti & facti "Zdorovije" supplement, ¹ 11 ( 396 ), March, 2002.
- Against Ohm there is no ways/ A. Petrosjan // Izvestiya, March, 5, 2002.
- How to watch TV correctly? // Argumenti & facti "Zdorovije" supplement, ¹ 1-2 ( 386-387 ), January, 2002.
- Don't stand under base station / E. Roshchin // Izvestiya, January, 18, 2002.
- Embryos against mobile phone / O. Djubankova, N. Bornovalova, E.Pilikina, J.Ekareva, O.Izvekova // Argumenti & facti "Zdorovije" supplement, ¹ 48 ( 381 ), November, 2001.
- "Mobile phone" for orgasm / O. Grigor'ev // Argumenti & facti "Lubov' " supplement ¹ 22 ( 127 ), November, 2001.
- Sores from computer / O. Grigor'ev // Argumenti & facti, ¹ 45, November, 07, 2001.
- Last call/ A. Savin // Izvestiya, October, 26, 2001.
- Do not embrace with mobile phone / O. Grigor'ev // Argumenti & facti, ¹ 40, October, 03, 2001.
- Mobile phone user is accessible and healthy / E. Gorelova // Izvestiya, August, 17, 2001.
- Shut up, mobile phone! / T. Korsakova // Tribuna, ¹ 110, June, 26, 2001.
- Mobile phone is not toy for children / O.Grigor'ev // Argumenti & facti, ¹ 22, May, 2001.
- New mobile phones / O. Grigor'ev // Argumenti & facti, April, 25, 2001.
- Mobile communication is safe, if you took care of it // Komu chto, ¹ 13 ( 443 ), April, 05, 2001.
- Fatal eggs / M. Saharov // Izvestiya, March, 16, 2001.
- Lady portrait with computer video display / A. Savin // Izvestiya, February, 21, 2001.
- Alladin lamp or Chizhevsky luster? / T. Gvozdeva // Spros, ¹ 2, February, 2001.
- Warm floor and hot heads / V. Lutsenko, O. Grigor'ev // Izvestiya - Expertiza, January, 26, 2001.
- Why computer video display are "jittering" / V.Sokolov // Izvestiya - Expertiza, January, 24, 2001.
- Subdual of obstinate / A. Savin // Izvestiya, ¹ 212 ( 25804 ), November, 10, 2000.
- With matrix on neck / P. Obrazsov // Izvestiya, August, 11, 2000.
- Protect children from electromagnetic fields / N. Suhoparova // Komu chto, ¹ 20 ( 400 ), June, 1, 2000.
- So that the bath day doesn't become the last one / V. Petuhov // Izvestiya, ¹ 90 ( 25682 ), May, 19, 2000.
- Paul II will help them? / M. Polinin // Izvestiya, ¹ 89 ( 25681 ), May, 18, 2000.
- To help girl in skirt / J. Orlova // Izvestiya ¹ 64 ( 25656 ), April, 07, 2000 /.
- Rescue our ears! / A. Savin // Izvestiya - Expertiza, March, 31, 2000.
- Scientists will find out at last, as far as are dangerous mobile phones // Moscovski komsomolets, ¹ 11, March, 31, 2000
- Power line is not a simple line … / A. Savin // Client vsegda prav. ¹ 6, 2000.
- "One-armed gangsters" went on the big road / P. Obraztsov // Izvestiya - Expertiza, December, 17, 1999.
- Century live - century be exposed! / E. Rudometkina // Metro, November, 22, 1999.
- The tower does not disturb? / A. Klimov // Trud, November, 3, 1999.
- The tower does not disturb? / A.Klimov // Mir za nedelyu, ¹ 10, 30.10. - 6.11.1999.
- Because of exposure from Ostankino TV tower citizens more often feel sick // Moscovski komsomolets, October, 14, 1999.
- Physicians are afraid for people health living near Ostankino TV tower / A. Savin // Izvestiya, October, 13, 1999.
- Mobile phone: is it dangerous? / A. Klimov // Trud, October, 7, 1999.
- Mutants of Ostankino TV tower / A. Perekashkin // "Sreda obitaniya" the appendix to "Vechernaya Moskva", October, 6, 1999.
- Mobile phone - outsider of Russian law / Yu. Medvedev // Izvestiya, September, 30, 1999.
- Scientific technical revolution - 2000: each first is kamikadze / E. Golovina // Moscovskaya pravda, September, 28, 1999.
- Electrosmog wrapping the planet / V. Zaitsev, L.Surogin // Ecologiya
- How much is opium for population? / A. Savin // Izvestiya, August, 18, 1999.
- New buildings in magnetic "noose " / A. Savin // Izvestiya, June, 30, 1999.
- Russia struggles for clean radioether / A. Savin // Izvestiya, April, 28, 1999.
- Web of wires will crack a Bluetooth / O. Grigor'ev // Izvestiya, April, 28, 1999.
- Stand aside from microwave oven / O. Grigor'ev // Izvestiya, April, 7, 1999.
- Toys for adults at the end the century / E. Subbotina // Moscovskaya pravda, February, 24, 1999.
- What is sick from electricity? // Novie Izvestiya, January, 27, 1999.
- Invisible field / A. Savin // Idei vashego doma, ¹ 2 pp. 58-59, 1999.
- Advice of skilled user. It should know everyone who works with computer // "Zeleniy listok", Ecological bulletin. ¹ 4, 1998.
- Progress of mankind. Human illnesses // "Zeleniy listok", Ecological bulletin. ¹ 1, 1998.
- Schoolboys will rarely fall into depression // Moskovski komsomolets, October, 5, 1998
- Waves of Hodinski field // Moscovskaya pravda, October, 17, 1998.
- One hour near the electric oven not improve your health / A. Mel'nikov, A. Savin // Izvestiya - Expertiza, May, 23, 1998.
- Antenna has arisen on building roof / Material prepared in cooperation with CEMS // Izvestiya, May, 13, 1998.
- Cottage under power line // Izvestiya - Expertiza, April, 29, 1998.
- Call me, call... by mobile / I. Ostrizhnaya // J. Zdorovie, April, 1998.
- Mobile phone: one call to boil the brain? / A. Shukin // Komsomolskaya pravda, April, 9, 1998.
- You will disappear in the deep of waves / A. Melihov // Komsomolskaya pravda, March, 27, 1998.
- Pager instead of condom? // Komsomolskaya pravda, March, 27, 1998.
- Civilization pulls us as magnet/ T. Smol'yakova // Vitrina, March, 13, 1998 /.
- Don't approach computer from the back and connect it to radiator/ O. Ruban // Moscovsky komsomolets, March, 13, 1998.
- Don't hatch eggs near TV. / A. Savin // Izvestiya, March, 11, 1998.
- "Electromagnetic pollution" is fatal for health / D. Plenkin // Segodnya, ¹ 31, 13 ôåâðàëÿ1998.
- Caution: a computer! / T. Smol'jakova // Rossiyskaya gazeta, February, 6, 1998.
- Television tower behind a window / A. Savin // Izvestiya - Expertiza, February, 4, 1998.
- Suicide in kitchen / O. Ruban // Moscovsky komsomolets, February, 3, 1998.
- Mobile communication will destroy gangsters / O. Ruban // Moscovsky komsomolets, 1998.
- Horror tale on the screen / I. Kal'ko // Rossiyskaya gazeta, January, 9, 1998.
- "Antenna" on a roof / Ò. Pasechnik // Izvestiya, ¹ 242, December, 24, 1997.
- Electromagnetic games with health / M. Dmitruk // Rabochaya tribuna, ¹ 240, December, 17, 1997.
- A little who knows about safe video displays in stores // Izvestiya - Expertiza, December, 3, 1997.
- Computer is guilty in health problems // Moscovsky komsomolets, November, 2, 1997
- Kitchen is not for pregnant! // Moscovsky komsomolets, October, 23, 1997.
- Russians don't suspect about electrodevices "guile" // Segodnya, October, 22, 1997.
- It is better to stand aloof from TV tower // Izvestiya - Expertiza, ¹ 196, October, 15, 1997.
- The most safe place under antenna // Komsomolskaya pravda, October, 9, 1997.
- Mobile phone in car / O. Grigor'ev // Avtoryad, ¹ 6, October, 1997.
- Mobile phone in car / O. Grigor'ev // Klackson, September - October, 1997.
- How to measure computer exposure // Izvestiya - Expertiza, September, 17, 1997.
- Does exposure of base stations is dangerous? // Izvestiya, ¹ 169, September, 6, 1997.
- Mobile phone shouldn't be used more than two minutes at once // Moscovski komsomolets, August, 31, 1997.
- Call at car: want to talk - stop at wayside // Izvestiya ¹ 164, August, 30, 1997.
- Which radiotelephone is safer / A. Savin // Izvestiya, ¹ 154, August, 16, 1997.
- Five year in magnetic cage / E. Subbotina // Moscovskaya pravda, August, 6, 1997.
- Muscovites be protected from mobile communication EMF // Moscovski komsomolets, ¹ 124, July, 8, 1997.
- Threat of electromagnetic environmental pollution / V. Kovalevsky // Financovie izvestiya, ¹ 6, June, 26, 1997
- Iron is wave "bomb" / G. Zazvonov // Àrgumenti & facti - "Est' idea" supplement, ¹ 1, May, 1997.
- Mobile phone talks could lead to lymphoma / A. Savin // Izvestiya - Expertiza, May, 17, 1997.
- Muscovites be learnt to self-protection from Ostankino TV tower EMF exposure // Moscovski komsomolets, April, 18, 1997.
- If you are dazzled from computer / CEMS // Izvestiya, February, 12, 1997.
- Pregnant women are forbidden to work with computer / CEMS // Izvestiya, January, 18, 1997.
- Microwaves oven are not "emit EMF' // Izvestiya, January, 18, 1997.
- Radio telephones - risk factor / E. Bovkun // Izvestiya, January, 18, 1997.
- Magnetic fields at home hurt not only head / O. Grigor'ev // Izvestiya - Expertiza, December, 7, 1996.
- Already rats died from a radiotelephone EMF // Izvestiya, November, 27, 1996.
- Hygienic certificate of mobile phone does not guarantee its safety / O. Grigor'ev // Izvestiya - Expertiza, October, 19, 1996.
- Radiotelephones: except nervous persons /O. Grigor'ev // Izvestiya - Expertiza, October, 9, 1996.
- Living close to power lines doesn't improve your health / A. Savin // Izvestiya - Expertiza, August, 31, 1996.
- Using mobile phone -- is there any harm? / A. Mel'nikov // Izvestiya - Expertiza, August, 21, 1996.
- Electromagnetic pollution has reached the critical level in cities / O. Grigor'ev // Izvestiya - Expertiza, August, 14, 1996.
- Computer video display - could it be safe / by CEMS materials // Izvestiya - Expertiza, June, 26, 1996.
- Could radiotelephone cause brain cancer? / A. Savin // Izvestiya - Expertiza, June, 19, 1996.
- Computer is subtle murderer / A. Golovkova // Komsomolskaya Pravda, ¹ 52 (special supplement), June, 22, 1996.
- Rest under high-voltage power line could be very short / A. Savin // Izvestiya - Expertiza, ¹ 128, July, 13, 1996.
- How to keep your health near computer / Recommendations given by CEMS// News - Examination, June, 5, 1996.
- Computer, do not irritate me! / I. Mastykina // Komsomolskaya Pravda, ¹ 85, May, 12-19, 1996.
- Danger has hidden in computer hall / D. Dokuchaev // Izvestiya, ¹ 61, April, 2, 1996.
- Foe hidden in computer display / A. Annenskaja // Chastnaya zhizn', ¹ 3, 1996.
- EMF neutralizer "Gamma - 7" appeared to be a piece of plastic // Chastnaya zhizn', ¹ 3, 1996.
- The computer affects stealthily / B. Samojlov // Tehnika olodezhi, ¹ 1, 1996.
- Caution: electosmog / A. Golovkova // Chastnaya zhisn', ¹ 2, 1996.
- Caution: computer is on! / B. Samojlov //Vechernyaya Moscva, November, 18, 1995
- More than half of computers sold in Russia are dangerous to health / material is prepared by CEMS experts // Izvestiya - Expertiza, May, 31, 1995.
- Pour out electrical charges to a floor / B. Samojlov // Golos, ¹ 38, 1995.
- Self-defense from computer video display / Material is prepared by CEMS experts & Laboratory of electromagnetic fields of SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES Institute of Occupational Health of Russian Academy of Medical Science // Izvestiya, April, 26, 1995.
- "Personnel computer - a risk factor? / A. Solodsky // CKV ¹ 9 (Rostov - on -Don), March, 15, 1995.
- Video display and "group of risk " / A. Solodsky // Imige ¹ 7 (Rostov - on -Don), February, 27, 1995.
- Computers cause the environmental problems / Yu. Paltsev, Yu. Grigor'ev, O. Grigor'ev // Finansovie Izvestiya, ¹ 41, 1994.
- Fluctuations without a survival / Ya.Yurova // Moscovski komsomolets, May, 14, 1994.
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