martes, 9 de junio de 2015

Llamamiento público del 5º Congreso de París EHS-SQM

Llamamiento del 5º Congreso de París sobre EHS-SQM
Academia Real de Medicina, Bruselas, Bélgica 
Intolerancia Ambiental Idiopática: ¿Qué rol tienen los campos electromagnéticos y los químicos?

5th Paris Appeal Congress, 18th of May, 2015
Royal Academy of Medicine, Belgium

Este congreso tendrá tres objetivos fundamentales:
1. Documentar la investigación y los avances científicos actuales.

2. Transmitir el Llamamiento Científico Internacional sobre los efectos en la salud de campos electromagnéticos lanzado el 11 de mayo y firmado por 190 científicos (a día de hoy, 205 firmantes) de todo el mundo y para agregar a este llamamiento una declaración científica específica sobre la sensibilidad hiper electromagnética y la sensibilidad a múltiples sustancias químicas.
3. Crear un grupo de trabajo internacional científico-normativo y proponer trabajar con la OMS a fin de avanzar en el reconocimiento de estas dos condiciones médicas verdaderas y posiblemente relacionadas.

Página web de este congreso

Científicos participantes de esta rueda de prensa:

- Dominique Belpomme, Director European Cancer and Environment Research institute, Professor in medical Oncology Paris V University Hospital, France.
- Cindy Sage, MA Co-Editor, BioInitiative Reports, USA.
- David Carpenter, Director, Institute for Health and the Environment University of Albany, Professor, Environmental Health Sciences, USA.
- Olle Johansson, Neuroscientist, Professor in Experimental Dermatology, Department of Neurosciences, Karolinska Institute, Sweden.
- Lennart Hardell, Epidemiologist, Professor at Orebro University Hospital in Orebro, Sweden.
- Michael Kundi, Professor, Medical University Vienna, Center for Public Health, Institute of Environmental Health, Austria.
- Magda Havas, Associate Prof of Environmental and Resource Studies at Trent University, Canada


David Carpenter, USA: History of the microwave syndrome
William Rea, USA: History of Chemical Sensitivity
Igor Belyaev, Slovak Republic: Electrohypersensitivity: input of mechanistic studies with low-intensity radiofrequency and extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields
André Vander Vorst, Belgium: Electromagnetic fields effects on organisms
Michael Kundi, Austria: Problems of objective assessment of idiopathic environmental intolerance related to electromagnetic fields.
Claudia Miller, USA: Toxicant-Induced Loss of Tolerance (TILT): A new theory for disease.
Olle Johansson, Sweden: The functional impairment electrohypersensitivity - from theory to practice
Dominique Belpomme, France: Electrohypersensitivity and multiple chemical sensitivity: two clinic-biological entities of the same disorder?
SMJ Mortazavi, Iran: Electromagnetic fields and dental mercury.
Gerard Ledoigt, France: Synergistic health effects of chemical poollutants and electromagnetic fields. Joachim Mutter, Germany: Toxicity of heavy metals, especially mercury and interaction with HF-EMF.
Peter Jennrich, Germany: Heavy metals and chronic diseases: what therapeutic approaches?
Devra Davis, USA (skype): A discussion of synergies between EMF and chemical exposures.
Roundtable: What strategy for the future? (Dominique Belpomme, David Carpenter, Lennart Hardell, Olle Johansson, Cindy Sage, Claudia Miller)
Ernesto Burgio, Italy: Electromagnetic Fields fetal effects.
Magda Havas, Canada: Heart Rate Variability (HRV) as a Diagnostic Tool in Electrohypersensitivity (EHS).
Pierre Le Ruz, France: Electromagnetic pollution: what European expertise?


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